When you are not satisfied with your breast size or worried about the sagging breast, you can have breast surgery that gives you desired contour. It is a great way to get rid of back ache, neck pain or hunch back caused by large sized breast. There are so many cosmetic surgeries available and your surgeon will suggest you the best method.
If you are planning to undergo breast surgery then you may be wondering what to expect after breast reduction surgery. This article will provide you with some information on that.
After you have undergone breast surgery, you will have to follow some procedures that is instructed to you by your surgeon. Instructions will be like medications to be used on surgery area for quick healing of incision and oral medication to be taken for reducing pain and to avoid any infection and follow up.
You can return to home the same day in most cases, otherwise the surgeon may suggest to stay in hospital for better recovery. Get help of someone to drop you home since, you may feel the effect of anesthesia.
First Week of After Surgery
When you wake up you will have stitches, wounds on your breast covered by elastic bandages on. You may not be able to lift your hands. Have someone, whom you are comfortable with to help you during the week. After dressing is removed you will have to wear surgical bra to ensure proper alignment and allow tissues to adapt the desired shape.
Following Weeks of Surgery
Within two weeks your stitches will be removed and you may feel itchy on the surgery area as the wound is getting healed. Follow the medications and diet properly to help healing process. You may feel weak for about several weeks after surgery which is common.
Avoid lifting heavy weights and don’t strain your body for about six weeks after surgery.
Long Term Recovery
Recovery from any surgery changes person to person. Some may recover soon while some may not. In breast surgery also some may feel over sensitivity in their breast area for a longer period while some may not have this effect. The scars of surgery fades away gradually for some and in many cases it doesn’t. Some get pain during menstrual cycle for several months.
Having these in mind, if you are considering to have breast reduction you can get the best service at Houston surgery office. With many years of experience, Dr. Michael J. Streitmann provides excellent care and exciting results.